Code Development Work Group Begins Next Code Cycle Preparation and Revamping of Industry Code Resources


By Matt Dobson, Vice President, Vinyl Siding Institute

At the end of July, the Code Development Work Group, chaired by Neil Sexton, AIA, Compliance and Technical Services Manager, CertainTeed, Saint-Gobain, met for a full day to take initial steps with updating VSI code resources and preparation for the next code cycle deadlines in 2021.

The group took significant time to critically review current VSI code resources. The timing for this update happens every three years when the new I-codes are published (2021 editions). In addition, this update will also include references to the 2020 Florida Building Code and 2020 National Building Code of Canada.

As the group moved through this review, it was decided to consolidate current resources and create a one-stop-shop that will provide members, building officials, builders and other stakeholders comprehensive information on how building codes in the United States (including Florida) and Canada provide solid regulation on the application of the products our members make. The Work Group will extract important information from the recently updated codes. This update will take place over the next six to eight months.

In addition, the next code cycle begins January 2021, which means any potential changes to the codes will need to be drafted and prepared for submission beginning then. The Work Group intends to at least meet monthly over the next year.

If you are interested in joining this Work Group, please contact Matt Dobson at