Value Your People – The Importance of Keeping Things Simple

by Coach Rob Balfanz

I think it’s safe to say that we are all familiar with the “KISS” principle. The KISS principle states that most systems work best if they are kept simple rather than complicated; therefore, simplicity should be a key goal, and unnecessary complexity should be avoided.

Now, more than ever, we must value our people – the core of our business – giving them a place to grow personally and professionally within our organizations. In this post, I will focus on valuing your people and the importance of keeping that simple.

“The best way forward is to give more people everywhere greater power to build their own destinies.” – Richard Branson

Here are a few tips to keep things simple with your team:


  • Truly understand your team
  • Understand your team’s “why”
  • Demonstrate compassion and humility
  • Listen actively and demonstrate your willingness to help

Be Supportive

  • Be consistent
  • Be available
  • Provide solutions or avenues in which solutions can be found
  • Encourage creativity and offer an outlet to share it

Show Interest

  • Compare your people with themselves, not always with each other or the industry
  • Provide opportunities to focus and offer to help them plan
  • If time is the most valuable asset, ask them how they spend their time outside of work
  • Show interest from the beginning – get to know them early and often


  • Encourage and offer both personal and professional growth opportunities
  • Reward engagement and ideation
  • Show them you are prepared and that the team is prepared
  • Make time

“To add value to others, one must first value others!” – John C. Maxwell

The month of December is about giving. When we truly value our people, we give them something that is ultimately found not in statistics but in the lives we change for the better. Our industry will succeed because of the people we get to work with each day.

It STILL is and WILL Always be About the Details

“People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” – Maya Angelou

As we close out the year together, I’d like to share two simple ways to show (and tell) your people just how much you value them:

  • Schedule 15 to 30 minute “One-on-One Meetings” annually – with no agenda. Let your teammate(s) pick the conversation topics and let them pick the time. You may be surprised by what you will learn. If you operate more than one shift, be flexible.
  • Hang up a “Why I Come to Work” board in your break or common area. Set expectations, provide a little guidance and see what happens. You may learn a lot from this fun activity. Take it a step further and allow the team to coordinate this exercise on their own. You may find your next marketing/advertising employee(s).

As I have noted in previous posts, in life and business, it’s the little things that usually add up to be the big things. Put your big rocks in the jar first!

Want more details or examples on the information in this blog? Have a question for the Coach? Would you like to request a topic for one of the upcoming Coach’s Corner Blogs? E-mail the Coach – we are here to support you!

Want to get certified, or are you up for certification renewal? Check out our Careers and Training Page here! We also have a great Basics of Installation & Safety program for your office, sales, and warehouse staff. Learn more here!

Want to get more involved in the industry or learn more about building the life you want? Click here for more information!

Until then,

Be Resilient – Add Value – Stay Healthy – Deliver the Experience - Trust the Process!

To your success,

“Coach” Rob Balfanz

Director, Workforce Development